Oxford Principles of Business for CSEC 2 Edition
Carlong Principles of Business for CSEC With SBA, Study Guide & Exercises
Principles of Business 5th Edition
The books in this series have been designed to make it easy to study a whole topic from scratch, or to seek out answers to individual problems. Key Features:
- Learning objectives stated at the beginning of each chapter and a summary at the end
- Keywords highlighted in the margins form a glossary
- A chapter on the SBA component
- Questions throughout the text allow students to check their understanding as they study
- Examination-style questions and multiple choice questions for review purposes and examination
Entrepreneurship for Caribbean Students 2nd Edition
Key Features: • Clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes at the start of each chapter
• Varied case studies in the book and online that are set within a Caribbean context
• Varied exercises to illuminate concepts and theories
• Chapter summaries throughout the entire book
• Review and discussion questions at the end of each chapter to provide reinforcement and encourage peer teaching Author: Lystra B. Stephens-James; et al Publisher: Carlong Publishers