Just Think Ability Test Grades 5 & 6
for the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) Examination Strategic and Extended Thinking "Just Think" is a series of workbooks of choice for success in the Primary Exit Profile examination. Students, teachers and parents will appreciate the age appropriate exercises in:
- Reasoning
- Critical Thinking
- Problem-solving and
- Written Communication.
Think Lab PEP Preparations Ability Test
This workbook is designed equip students at the grades 6 level with the skills needed for the PEP Ability Test. This workbook focuses on reasoning and critical thinking, likewise the test itself. The types of questions and how they are constructed, will assist in developing students reasoning, critical thinking, analytical and decision making skills. Author: Caneisha Samuels-Myles Publisher: Think Labs
Lifting Literacy Developing Comprehension & Writing Skills
Nurturing Numeracy Workbook 4
PEP Practice for Grades 4, 5 & 6 Students Ability Test Workbook
Carlong Practice Papers Mathematics
Carlong Practice Papers Mathematics is a new textbook aligned to the new National Standards Curriculum (NSC) for language arts and fully simulates the Curriculum Based test component of the Primary Exit Profile (PEP). The book also integrates other subject areas such as science and social studies. Author: Delores O'Connor; Andrea Dryden Publisher: Carlong Publisher
Carlong Practice Papers Language Arts
Carlong Practice Papers - Language Arts is a new textbook aligned to the new National Standards Curriculum (NSC) for language arts and fully simulates the Curriculum-Based test component of the Primary Exit Profile (PEP). The book also integrates other subject areas such as science and social studies. Author: Dorothy Noel Publisher: Carlong Publishers
Alpha Zen PEP Series Social Studies Practice
Alpha Zen PEP Series Language Arts
NSC Based Performance Tasks For Grades 4, 5 & 6 This Language Arts workbook is aimed at giving the students valuable practice in an effort to develop the key skills necessary for becoming competent in the external PEP examination. It covers the integrated topics ranging from Social Studies and Science and focuses on giving students the opportunity to:
- Read for a range of transactional purposes
- Write for various audiences
- Interpret and analyse data from various sources
- Engage in critical thinking and writing
- Differentiate between meanings of words
- Identify the main topic or main points
- Identify authors' purpose for writing